Symphonic Band (Advanced Band) (Curricular)
This is the top performing ensemble at Berkmar High School and represents the elite few who work extra hard and have shown proficient skill on a specific instrument. The Symphonic Band is a performing organization open to students who have auditioned and met the requirements as stipulated by the director based on instrumentation needs year to year. This class requires previous instrumental music training such as middle school participation and/or private lessons. All members are required to participate in fundraising events held annually during the year to help meet our budget and pay individual band dues and/or trip payments that may be required year to year. Each member of the band is responsible for having their parent or guardian join the Berkmar Band Booster Association and encouraging their participation at all band events.
The Mighty Marching Patriots (Co-Curricular)
This is the primary performing organization during the Fall which consists of musician and auxiliary members. Requirements of rehearsals and performances will also continue into the Spring semester in the roll of parades and sit down performances. After school rehearsals and performances are required. All bandsmen who are capable are expected to perform in the Marching Band. All wind and percussion members are required to be enrolled in a band class in order to participate. All members are required to participate in fund-raising events held annually during the year to help meet our budget and pay individual band dues and/or trip payments that may be required year to year. Each member of the Mighty Marching Patriots is responsible for having their parent or guardian join the Berkmar Band Booster Association and encouraging their participation at all band events.
Concert Band (Intermediate Band) (Curricular)
Concert Band is open to all individuals who may need extra attention to the development of techniques and individual characteristics of sound and tone production. This is a performance oriented class and available to students with prior music training. Auditions may be required to enter as stipulated by the director. All members are required to participate in fundraising events held annually during the year to help meet our budget and pay individual band dues and/or trip payments that may be required year to year. Each member of the band is responsible for having their parent or guardian join the Berkmar Band Booster Association and encouraging their participation at all band events.

Percussion Ensemble/Class (Curricular)
This is a performance oriented class and available to students with prior music training in the area of percussion techniques. All percussionists wishing to be a part of the Berkmar High School Band Program must enroll in this class. This class is only offered for those students who play a percussion instrument and have shown prior knowledge of proficient music reading ability. An audition is required as stipulated by the director based on instrumentation needs year to year. This class requires previous instrumental music training such as middle school participation and/or private lessons. All members are required to participate in fund-raising events held annually during the year to help meet our budget and pay individual band dues and/or trip payments that may be required year to year. Each member of the band is responsible for having their parent or guardian join the Berkmar Band Booster Association and encouraging their participation at all band events.

Music Technology Classes (Curricular)
These classes include: Intro to Music Technology (offered fall semester), Intermediate Music Technology (offered spring semester), and Advanced Music Technology (offered fall and spring semesters). These courses are designed to influence and develop an individual’s understanding of music theory, history, appreciation, and future as to music technology. Basic computer keyboarding skills and understanding of basic computer language are required. Interview by director is required before enrollment will be allowed.
Jazz Band (Extra-Curricular)
Primarily for saxophones, trumpets, trombones/tubas/baritones, and rhythm section - This group will perform jazz music of all styles and time periods. At this time, this group is an extracurricular performance ensemble only during the late winter and continues through the spring. Any instrument is welcome as long as the student playing the instrument has auditioned for the director and shows dedication to the ensemble by participation. All members are required to participate in fund-raising events held annually during the year to help meet our budget and pay individual band dues and/or trip payments that may be required year to year.

Auxiliaries (Extra-Curricular)
These are Color Guard members that perform in the Mighty Marching Patriots during all marching performances and will continue in the winter and spring as members of an elite Berkmar High School Winter Guard. They are full members with the full privileges and responsibilities of other band members. This is a year-round commitment through audition/permission only. All members are required to participate in fund-raising events held annually during the year to help meet our budget and pay individual band/guard dues and/or trip payments that may be required year to year. Each member of the Mighty Marching Patriots is responsible for having their parent or guardian join the Berkmar Band Booster Association and encouraging their participation at all band events.